Fashion Week Paris Street Wear

18:15 Karabesque 3 Comments

Hello Everyone,what can be more Beautiful then paris in Autumn,i know fashion show for the fall! 

But since when french liked old routines runaway & catwalk ? This time its out in the streets of paris from la défense to les Champs Élysée , even in the forgotten corners of the capital , Egdy , bold , colorfull , call it what you want , its catchy & stylish  its The Unique Paris 

More then one brand , more then one piece in a mix to get the perfect outfit , Prada , Gucci , Yves Saint Laurent ...ect the list goes and i know you know it by heart , so instead of talking i will let you enjoy with a Selected Pictures , 

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3 komentarze:

  1. Are these photos Yours? Because they are beautiful.

    1. Unfortunately not. But one they I wil lgo to Paris Fashion week to make my pics. I hope good hihih
